Pressefotografenes klubb Årets bilde
An insight into youths’ everyday life Education in the context of reality
Strategy | Concept | Content | Art direction | Visual identity
The national youth club organisation Ungdom og Fritid was founded in 1978, and is an organisation that represents employees and users of locally supported youth clubs and youth houses. This includes 620 meeting places, around 2,500 youth workers and more than 100,000 youth.

Coverphoto: Martin Slottemo Lyngstad, Paragon Features. Studiophoto: Einar Aslaksen.
Youth participation
In the organisation's new educational programme for youth workers, the focus is on youth participation. Instead of an approach where the adults manage the youth, the youth workers should act as facilitators. The young people should themselves have the opportunity to shape and influence their social meeting places.
When developing a name for the new educational programme, we wanted to emphasise the concept and direction of the programme, focusing on youth themselves being in charge. The name, Ungdomsledelse – in English, Youth Management – has a duality to it. It communicates the concept of learning how to manage the youth by letting them manage themselves.
Youth participation in practice
Rather than illustrating the idea of youth participation, we chose to take a documentary approach to communication. By visiting various youth clubs around the country we got an insight into how young people used and shaped their relevant meeting places.

Photo: Martin Slottemo Lyngstad, Paragon Features. Studiophoto: Einar Aslaksen.
In the educational material, the documentary photographs were placed in the context of thematically relevant content. The image material was also used in other internal and external communication.